Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Random but true

My horoscope is Sagittarius
I had nothing to do soooo I did some research about Sagittarius in Twitter
Some of them are true. I pick them what describe me.. Check it out!

No one likes being around an angry . They BLOW UP and then it usually fades away quickly.

One small or big lie destroy the chances of trust with a
Once you break the trust of , things are never the same again.

are great at distancing themselves from people, if they don't like them anymore.

rather make and follow their own path and not do yours.

  rarely care what people say about them.

want to have someone who can take charge and the lead. They make going out more adventurous.

When having mood swings, prefer to be left alone instead of being questioned.

can be either really shy or really sociable. Their alone time is also treasured

love their alone time. They need that kind of space and they get to relax. They'll be back to themselves when they're around.

will never ever be too old for Disney

despises restriction, which also extends to their clothing.

don't talk shit, they criticize everything about they don't like

It's almost impossible to convince a to do something they don't want to do.

are excellent at building a wall around sentimental things.

don't like to repeat themselves.

When fights with you, They're really fighting for "us". Because if they didn't care, they wouldn't bother.

Oh, didn't tell you? Must've been none of your damn business.

get extremely cranky when hungry or tired.

become bored more easily than the others do.

are not afraid of doing crazy things in public when they are with their best friends.

are always on their own pace, not yours.

can easily be irritated by slow pace. Like slow walkers and drivers.

hardly take offense from people's witticism. They can take a joke, but not the tasteless ones.

laugh at people who take things TOO seriously.

hate when people repeat things over again & again as if they didn't listen. They do pay attention

usually get along with older people, because they like to hear about their past, and stories. (so not with younger people huh..)

Hiding things from a isn't a great idea. They're great at investigating things that seem to be wrong

are direct with what they say

have no tolerant for any bullshit or excuses, they want no business with that nonsense.

would cancel a date if it sounds boring. Be creative and that will keep them interested.

hate liars because they eventually catch up. They will find out, no matter what.

are definitely serious about commitment because they must have an all-in-one relationship.

can be friendly, but they keep their wall up until they actually know you. (not open up with new people..yes yes yes)

have no shame in many things because they do what they feel is right.

That's all. Oh how love I am being me.. hahaha

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