Jumat, 22 Februari 2013


I do not understand why do people get obsessed with gadgets? Especially the new or latest one.
Is it because of getting more and more modern?
Is it because of not wanting to be an outcast?
Human are greedy creatures indeed.
I used to keep up the technology development. I got envy if my friends used the gadgets that were more sophisticated and better than mine. Or if they had something that I had not have, I bought it shortly thereafter. (ex:Nintendo things) After I got it, I got bored, I dumped it.
I am getting tired with the development. Technology is endless.
From the first, I am not interested in iPhone, iTouch and iPad. I do not know why. I found it they are boring for me. Nothing special. I dumped my iTouch until it has been covered with dust and the battery has sorely leaked.
I have a MacBook. It is because I need it for my college. iPhone, iTouch and iPad.. they are just useless for me.
Thus, I do not understand with people who want to queue for a long line to get the latest iPhone, iPad or aaahhh whatever! Can't you just wait for several days? If you wait, will you die immediately?
The other case, there are people who sell their organ (ex: a kidney) to buy those things. What the.... Are gadgets really that important rather than the health? So absurd! Where the heck all those people's brain?
It seems technology plays an important role nowadays and people can not live without the technology even just for a single day. Technology really drives the world and people in it insanely.

Japan or Korea

I guess a lot of people like Korea's entertainment industry more than Japan's
But I am not one of those people hihi
I have loved Arashi since around 7-8 years ago. Arashi is Japanese boyband
Let me tell you.. Japanese boybands or girlbands are absolutely lose from Korean
They are lack of dancing skill, also their costumes for performance usually peculiar.
Why can I love Arashi? Simply because I watched Hana Yori Dango back then.
The lead actor is Matsumoto Jun. He is sorely handsome.
Ah! Hana Yori Dango is Japanese version of Boys Before Flower and Meteor Garden
The storyline is made by Japanese author, but then Meteor Garden made it became a drama first.
Many people like BBF more than HYD, but I like HYD more than BBF. I love the original one!
Okay, enough with these HYD information. Back to the Arashi.
I had never met my friend who likes Arashi. Only me! So I was sad.
But now, not anymore. I finally met her! She likes to download the Arashi's videos and she shares it with me too!
After I watch several Japanese variety shows, I thought Japan is not bad either. Japan has a very big capital to make their variety shows. Look so luxurious!
And I little bit look down the Korean variety shows, except Running Man. I know Running Man uses a big amount of money because they travel here and there, not only move from city to city, overseas either. Daebak~!
Unfortunately, Japan does not want to open up their country and expand their entertainment industry. I found it is harder to search and download Japanese variety shows than Korean. Japan really protects their products, it is difficult to get their permit.
Nevertheless, I still love Japan more than Korea. Although they can not dance as good as Korean does, yet they are hard-working. I appreciate them!

Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Random but true

My horoscope is Sagittarius
I had nothing to do soooo I did some research about Sagittarius in Twitter
Some of them are true. I pick them what describe me.. Check it out!

No one likes being around an angry . They BLOW UP and then it usually fades away quickly.

One small or big lie destroy the chances of trust with a
Once you break the trust of , things are never the same again.

are great at distancing themselves from people, if they don't like them anymore.

rather make and follow their own path and not do yours.

  rarely care what people say about them.

want to have someone who can take charge and the lead. They make going out more adventurous.

When having mood swings, prefer to be left alone instead of being questioned.

can be either really shy or really sociable. Their alone time is also treasured

love their alone time. They need that kind of space and they get to relax. They'll be back to themselves when they're around.

will never ever be too old for Disney

despises restriction, which also extends to their clothing.

don't talk shit, they criticize everything about they don't like

It's almost impossible to convince a to do something they don't want to do.

are excellent at building a wall around sentimental things.

don't like to repeat themselves.

When fights with you, They're really fighting for "us". Because if they didn't care, they wouldn't bother.

Oh, didn't tell you? Must've been none of your damn business.

get extremely cranky when hungry or tired.

become bored more easily than the others do.

are not afraid of doing crazy things in public when they are with their best friends.

are always on their own pace, not yours.

can easily be irritated by slow pace. Like slow walkers and drivers.

hardly take offense from people's witticism. They can take a joke, but not the tasteless ones.

laugh at people who take things TOO seriously.

hate when people repeat things over again & again as if they didn't listen. They do pay attention

usually get along with older people, because they like to hear about their past, and stories. (so not with younger people huh..)

Hiding things from a isn't a great idea. They're great at investigating things that seem to be wrong

are direct with what they say

have no tolerant for any bullshit or excuses, they want no business with that nonsense.

would cancel a date if it sounds boring. Be creative and that will keep them interested.

hate liars because they eventually catch up. They will find out, no matter what.

are definitely serious about commitment because they must have an all-in-one relationship.

can be friendly, but they keep their wall up until they actually know you. (not open up with new people..yes yes yes)

have no shame in many things because they do what they feel is right.

That's all. Oh how love I am being me.. hahaha

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

A cute creature

Hi, I would like to introduce you Ochan ♥
He is the breed of mini pomerian and 2 years old right now
Tadaaa ~
Isn't he lovely and cute?
He is not mine (although I sorely want him)
He is my brother's friend's
What I like from him is he is a quiet dog, not too active. and very obedient
He scared with new people, so he will tremble (uh-oh so cute!)
Nice to meet you Ochan!
I hope someday I could have a cute dog like you

leader-follower friendship

Who is the leader and who is the follower in my friendship?
I am the leader among my close friends. The 'leader' here is not interpreted as a bossy person who command the others to do this and that. Nonono..
It is always me who choose where to go, where and what to eat, etc.
It just vain to ask them because their answer will be "up to you" or "whatever"
What a typical Indonesian answers... Kinda irritates me.
I want my friends to say where and what they want. I have already said that too but they answered if they say it then we will get baffled because A wants this but B wants that, so it is easier to follow one person.
o-em-gee.. then I said we can do it alternately. I wanna have an argument like that about where to go and what to do. Perhaps it will be more fun. Why is it always me who decide all of those things?
Seriously they are too much! If I keep quiet, not deciding anything, they will also keep quiet and not giving any idea.
But still I love my best friends :) I can not loathe them just because of this, right?

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

I am a Bibliophile

What is Bibliophile?
A love of books; one who loves to read, admire and collect books...and it's me!
I have nearly around 1.000 comics (or have I already passed it?)
Some of them I gave it to my friend, more or less than 300 comics I guess. Well..I bet 'more'..
Basically, I like romantic genre.
I am a selective person in comics. I do not like if the pictures are bad, storyline either.
Though I feel sorry towards my friend a lil bit, but she still sincerely accepts it :p
I have been getting bored with comics because the story is no different, too ordinary. But still I can not stop buying comics despite the price has increased! -_-" oh God why.. I think the pictures that make me attracted. The handsome and perfect boy that never exist in reality.
Comics do make our expectations high for every boys in reality. Romantic, loyal, hilarious, handsome, popular, audacious to protect their girl, smart, etc. Where can we find that guy?
*wake up from the dream!!!!!!!!!!
Fortunately, I do not like anime, so I am not an otaku. Yay!
Why do I have to fall for comics...........................also novels *sob
After I read several novels, I discovered the genre that I like. I like political dystopian that filled with action packed and a little bit romance. So..yeah. That kind of challenging story. But NOT dystopian romance! *duh* Although it is 'dystopian' but just involves romance, oh BIG NO! It's boring. I want some kind of rebellion.
Kinda weird, huh? I like romantic genre for comics but I don't like romantic genre for novels. Perhaps because in comics I can see it through the pictures, but can't in novels. 
So recommend me some good dystopian novels, please! ;) 

Favorite Quotes

"A room without books is as a body without a soul." Sir John Lubbock

“The odd thing about people who had many books was how they always wanted more.”
Patricia A. McKillip, The Bell at Sealey Head 

“That I can read and be happy while I am reading, is a great blessing.”
Anthony Trollope

“Books were safer than other people anyway.”
Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane  

"A book is a gift you can open again and again." — Garrison Keillor 

"Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend." William Feather

"You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend." Paul Sweeney

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King

meet my half

Who is my half? *drumrolls*
Stefanie Liong
She is 9 months younger than me
Soooooo many people say that we are twins wherever we go. I am not lying.
I do not know how to start this..what should I say first? Ah whatever!

She and I in senior high school

We attended the same school from elementary till senior high school at Penabur.
After my second grade in senior high school, I left Penabur and go to xxx university. I did not finish the whole term too in the second grade, just half term.
She used to like pink but she cheats with green or tosca, yeah something like that.
I like blue forever hahaha (bright colors also..lately)
Out of many kinds of pasta, she likes penne!
We have plenty of same stuffs : bags, shoes, clothes, wallet, etc.
I am stubborn but as she grows up she gets more and more stubborn than me -_- She likes to use alibi lately to defense herself
She is very kind. If she gets angry, tears will burst out. The same with me hahaha. If I angry, I tend to be quiet and hold it inside.
Of course we like shopping. Both of us are extravagant. She always tells people that I am more extravagant than her. The fact is..she is the one who more extravagant than me! She is more frequent to go shopping and she does not ask me to go with her. Tsk tsk tsk... I do not tell people that she is more extravagant than me, it such a futile to argue with her. I can not overcome with her stubbornness.
I usually ask her to accompany me and my family, however she never asks me to go with her family even once. I think I love her more than she loves me. She is already like a part of my family.
Although she is clever, luckily she is not a nerd who always studies. She goes to science class and i used to go to social class.
She is an extrovert person and I am an introvert person hahaha. She absolutely talkative, me too sometimes but I kinda need some time to be quiet because lazy to talk and I like daydreaming.
We both hardly to open up ourselves with new people but she a little bit quicker open up than me. Yeah as expected from an extrovert person.
She cried once before because of jealousy. I closed with other friends or new friends then she got jealous. Oww so cute. I felt sorry towards her.
I hope our friendship lasts forever........

Together we will continue to spread our love!