Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

One of My Ways to Avoid The Glamor of This Life

I live in a society where people use branded stuffs around me.
Therefore, I like branded stuffs.
But my love towards branded stuffs is getting smaller and smaller thankfully as I grow up.
I can control it even though I can't fully control it yet.
I want to be someone who does not enjoy the glamor of this life.
I used to always look 'up' (if you understand what I mean).
If I saw someone who has it, I wanted to have it too. Like there was an envy feeling.
But now, I can differentiate between what I want and what I really need.
It's easy. Just look 'down'. Look below me.
There are so many people who work so hard to get a penny to eat, for their living, and many more.
I feel beyond lucky with my life.
I am in the progress of learning to cherish everything that I have and be more humble.
I should not let my environment influence me.
I admit that I still buy branded stuffs for myself.
But I buy it with my own money. I never ask my parents to buy branded stuffs for me. They work so hard. They can do whatever they want with their own money to satisfy themselves but I don't want them to buy unnecessary stuffs for me.
If I really want it, I have to save my own money and buy the affordable brand. So simple!
I haven't worked and I should use what I can afford. That way I appreciate the value more. 

Senin, 10 Februari 2014

INTP personality

I took a personality test and the result was I have INTP personality.
I've blogged and said that I am an introvert person. So, here's a little bit deeper about introvert. I like to read about this kind of thing/psychology things.
Here's a link that explain INTP personality:

Have you ever wondered why…

  • …you feel energetic in some situations and exhausted in others?
  • …you are not quite sure how to reach your full potential in the world that sometimes seems so foreign to you?
  • …you find it easier to talk to some people, but not others?
  • …your friends sometimes say that you are special and mysterious?
  • …you have difficulties studying certain subjects? 
All of them is YES!

I will highlight some parts that best describe me:
INTP personalities are usually very shy and reluctant when it comes to meeting other people. However, INTPs can also be very friendly and confident when they interact with people they know well or talk about things that interest them. INTPs are flexible and relaxed in nearly all situations, except when their beliefs or logical conclusions are being criticized. In those cases, the INTP is likely to become very defensive and argue tirelessly.

People with this personality type may also find it quite difficult to explain their thoughts to others, even when it becomes obvious that their theories are not easily graspable.

INTP personalities tend to be very loyal and faithful partners. INTPs are also unusually direct and honest, even if they have just started dating someone. People with this personality type always stick to their commitments and are actually quite easy to date and live with – they have simple daily needs and do not demand much from their partners. However, despite seeking simplicity in dating and romantic relationships, INTPs do not lack passion or romantic feelings. On the contrary, people with the INTP personality type tend to be extremely creative individuals whose vivid imagination allows them to always remain very enthusiastic and passionate in romantic relationships. Anyone dating an INTP may be quite surprised by this sometimes. (yeay!)

It is not surprising that INTPs are likely to have a very small circle of good friends. That being said, INTPs will value and respect their friends greatly, and work hard to keep these relationships strong.

(-) Very private and withdrawn. INTPs are often reluctant to let anyone inside their minds, let alone their hearts. They may often come across as shy in social settings and even the INTP’s friends are likely to have a difficult time getting to know them well.

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014


I always think that I do not have any talent.
I can't cook.
I can't do any kind of sport.
I can't play music.
I can't bake.
Sounds pitiful, right? I have been desperately searching for my potential talent. Where is it?
At school, I used to be told that every person has talent, it's just maybe you haven't found out yet or you don't realize it.
Well, I can play piano a little bit (until grade 4, I guess?)
I used to hate piano so much because it was hard to learn classic songs (I'm still thinking the same).
I coaxed my mom to quit my piano course for years. My mom never wants me to stop.
Whenever I went to my piano course, my steps always felt so heavy to enter the room.
I hate going to concert and the exam.
I'm a shy person. I always get nervous when I'm on stage or people look at me.
I want to have a piano course if I don't have to go to a concert or do the exam.
I love to hear piano's sound. Sometimes I do miss piano. Guess I waste my skill, uh?
I think I give up on piano easily.
My mom's friend's daughter also like me.
She was forced to learn piano since little, she hated it, but maybe her parents are more stubborn than mine so they never allow her to quit or she didn't try to coax harder (?) I don't know.
Now she can be a piano teacher. All of the hatred towards piano and hardships, she can pass it through all. It what makes her today.
I hate myself.
Why am I so stupid? Why do I waste my only skill? Why do I give up so easily?
I know it's all my fault. I always blame myself for being so stupid.
I asked my parents that I wanted to have a baking course but they never give me the chance. They said, "What for? You don't like to cook. You rarely go to the kitchen. You don't have the hobby of it."
The impact now that I envy a lot of people who able to cook, play music, bake, and what-so-ever!
What can I do to make me have something special in me?

Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Book Review : The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse

Synopsis :
As an obedient orphan of the U.N.A. (the super-country that was once Mexico, the U.S., and Canada), Alenna learned at an early age to blend in and be quiet—having your parents taken by the police will do that to a girl. But Alenna can’t help but stand out when she fails a test that all sixteen-year-olds have to take: The test says she has a high capacity for brutal violence, and so she is sent to The Wheel, an island where all would-be criminals end up.

The life expectancy of prisoners on The Wheel is just two years, but with dirty, violent, and chaotic conditions, the time seems a lot longer as Alenna is forced to deal with civil wars for land ownership and machines that snatch kids out of their makeshift homes. Desperate, she and the other prisoners concoct a potentially fatal plan to flee the island. Survival may seem impossible, but Alenna is determined to achieve it anyway.

A lot of people say this book is similar to Divergent and Hunger Games. I will say yes, it does, but don't worry! The similarities are just a few. Really! At the beginning, the story starts every child, one by one, sits on a reclined chair and ends up stay in U.N.A or The Wheel. That! The similarity to Divergent. Just it.
And The Wheel is the similarity to Hunger Games. It is the arena that the story takes place. The plot and the story itself are different inside the arena.
The story starts a little bit slow, made me kinda bored. But in the middle of the book, I can feel the suspense and got hooked up.
The Wheel takes plenty of people to be sacrificed. 
