Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

One of My Ways to Avoid The Glamor of This Life

I live in a society where people use branded stuffs around me.
Therefore, I like branded stuffs.
But my love towards branded stuffs is getting smaller and smaller thankfully as I grow up.
I can control it even though I can't fully control it yet.
I want to be someone who does not enjoy the glamor of this life.
I used to always look 'up' (if you understand what I mean).
If I saw someone who has it, I wanted to have it too. Like there was an envy feeling.
But now, I can differentiate between what I want and what I really need.
It's easy. Just look 'down'. Look below me.
There are so many people who work so hard to get a penny to eat, for their living, and many more.
I feel beyond lucky with my life.
I am in the progress of learning to cherish everything that I have and be more humble.
I should not let my environment influence me.
I admit that I still buy branded stuffs for myself.
But I buy it with my own money. I never ask my parents to buy branded stuffs for me. They work so hard. They can do whatever they want with their own money to satisfy themselves but I don't want them to buy unnecessary stuffs for me.
If I really want it, I have to save my own money and buy the affordable brand. So simple!
I haven't worked and I should use what I can afford. That way I appreciate the value more.